Offering a diverse selection of plants including flowers, shrubs, and trees
Providing expert advice on plant selection, landscape design, and layout
Creating tailor-made landscape designs to meet your functional needs
Promoting eco-friendly landscaping practices for a healthier environment
果博梵创园林景观工程有限公司是一家集园林景观设计施工等绿化工程为一体的综合性企业。专业从事私家花园、别墅庭院、屋顶花园、阳台花园、木屋木亭、阳光房、苗木租摆、 雕塑等设计、施工、养护系统性工作。 公司拥有一支经验丰富的高素质团队,具有各风格专业的设计理念和过硬的施工质量以及全面的售后服务。以独有的设计理念、规范的管理制度、精湛的施工技术为基础,从项目洽谈、设计方案确定、后期的配套施工,实行定期回访等一站式服务。倾心为您打造适合当代人居的温馨家园。
At Botanica, we're committed to transforming your outdoor space with our exceptional gardening and landscaping services.
We provide customized gardening and landscaping solutions tailored to your specific preferences and outdoor area requirements.
Our team ensures top-notch quality in every project, guaranteeing durable and aesthetically pleasing results for your outdoor space.
Backed by a team of skilled professionals, we deliver expert gardening and landscaping services, ensuring satisfaction with every project.
Garden Design
Lawn Maintenance
Garden Design
Lawn Maintenance
Flooring Expert
Tiling Specialist
Paving Specialist
Flooring Installer
per month
per month
per month